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Ten Paces at High Noon

Dr. Kurt Gray: OUTRAGED!

“America Fourth?” (and other joyous schemes)

Democracy Reignited
The Village Square is partnering with Florida Humanities to present “Unum, Democracy Reignited,” a multi-year digital series of programs exploring the past, present and future of the American idea — as it exists on paper, in the hearts of our people, and as it manifests (or sometimes fails to manifest) in our lives. With each new season, we’ll bring you a series of digital programs from important thinkers that both capture the Zeitgeist of America’s public conversation and seek to transform and transcend it — toward a more perfect union.
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Walt Whitman wrote that to meet the challenge of this American democracy we must “travel by maps yet unmade.” As we strive now to make manifest the promise of a diverse multi-racial democratic citizenship, perhaps we are once again inventing what was first imagined almost 250 years ago. Because if we are to rise into our lofty ideals, who else but “we the people” will lift us into them? To accomplish this, we’ll seek the wisest counsel from sea to shining sea, to light our way on a journey that “will yet swell the chorus” of our union.
“Democracy Reignited” comes to you packed with inspiring and important featured reading — built in partnership with the big thinkers we’ll gather — that might just change the way you see the world around you. With partners in communities across the great state of Florida, we’ll bring you opportunities to join in.
We find ourselves at a crossroads — when America’s promise of a democracy “of the people, by the people and for the people” is in existential danger — from both inside and out — with illiberal and intolerant behavior coming from across the political spectrum and (if that weren’t enough already) attacks from hostile foreign powers who rule by intimidation rather than govern by consent. So what are citizens who want to continue to breathe free and pursue happiness to do when our freedom to make America’s promise manifest in our lives feels under siege?
Whether you’re a Black American seeking the promise yet fulfilled, a person of faith trying to live your life out in an increasingly secularized world, or a citizen just wanting to express an opinion in the American tradition of dissent without retribution, we have no choice but to endeavor to find each other again in common cause.
Please join us.
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We find ourselves at a crossroads — when America’s promise of a democracy “of the people, by the people and for the people” is in existential danger — from both inside and out — with illiberal and intolerant behavior coming from across the political spectrum and (if that weren’t enough already) attacks from hostile foreign powers who rule by intimidation rather than govern by consent. So what are citizens who want to continue to breathe free and pursue happiness to do when our freedom to make America’s promise manifest in our lives feels under siege?
Whether you’re a Black American seeking the promise yet fulfilled, a person of faith trying to live your life out in an increasingly secularized world, or a citizen just wanting to express an opinion in the American tradition of dissent without retribution, we have no choice but to endeavor to find each other again in common cause.
Please join us.

UNUM is presented in partnership with Florida Humanities
We are proud to be in our fourth year of “UNUM: Democracy Reignited” programming, made possible in partnerships with Florida Humanities with support from National Endowment for the Humanities. (Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.)
Past UNUM Events
Dr. Theodore R. Johnson: If We Are Brave

Mónica Guzmán: One Step Closer

Tim Urban: What’s Our Problem?

Berny + Geston Love Their Country

Resetting the Table: Wisdom from Conflict

The Soul of Civility

After Babel: The Fragmentation of Everything

The Roots of Belonging + The Risks of Othering

Join or Die

The Way Out

Braver Angels