Dinner Series
On Taxation & Tea Parties
Date and TimeTuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
LocationSt. John’s Episcopal Church
Few topics in today’s divided political landscape spark as much passion as how the government spends money. Widespread disapproval and a fiscal crisis have given rise to the tea party movement, which just celebrated its one year anniversary. Good thing or bad? It depends on which side of the aisle you’re watching it from.
If you fall on the red side of the partisan divide, you’re liable to see current governmental spending as dangerous. If you fall on the blue side of the divide, you’re more likely to see the tea party movement itself as a danger. Common ground is becoming increasingly hard to find. We’ll look for help finding it from our panel: Dominic Calabro, the President & CEO of Florida TaxWatch; Commissioner Andrew Gillum of the Tallahassee City Commission and People for the American Way; Bob McClure, President & CEO of James Madison Institute; and Dr. Carol Weissert, Director of the LeRoy Collins Institute.

Andrew Gillum
City of Tallahassee Mayor

Carol Weissert
FSU Department of Political Science Moderator

Dominic Calabro
Florida Tax Watch President & Chief Executive Offer

Dr. J. Robert McClure
James Madison Institute President and CEO