The Least of These
The unspoken story of poverty in the place we call home

God Squad
The Least of These
The unspoken story of poverty, politics and privilege in this place we call home.
Date and TimeFriday, October 25, 2019 @ 12:00 pm
We all know we’ve got a problem in Tallahassee — we’re economically, geographically and racially too far apart from each other. Too often the costs of this separation are ignored, avoided and goes unspoken.

Darrick McGhee
Bible Based Church Founding Pastor

Gary Shultz
First Baptist Church Senior Pastor

Funmi Ojetayo
Adom Law Managing Attorney

Tim Holeda
Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More Rector

Betsy Ouellette Zierden
Good Samaritan UMC Former Pastor

Rabbi Michael Shields
Capital Area Justice Ministry Rabbi

Because talking politics isn’t hard enough
Blast from the Past Archive. Because truly genius wisdom is evergreen.
Can’t get enough of that unique and timeless God Squad wisdom and transcendence? Need a refresher between programs? The vast majority of our past programs can be listened to on Village SquareCast. Click the link below and binge what your mother warned you to avoid in polite company — faith and politics. (Fair warning – you might need to order out for dinner tonight.)