Immigration & The American Melting Pot
“Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Immigration & The American Melting Pot
Today, we find an America that is diverse beyond our founders’ imagination. And as a nation of immigrants, we simply don’t see the issue of immigration eye-to-eye anymore. At the same time as immigrants strain our resources, they also do the necessary work of our country. As people wait in line for decades to immigrate legally, millions have simply come. As Congress finally takes up the topic of immigration, we’ll discuss the reforms and the consequences of those reforms with a broad range of voices on this challenging – and very American – civic debate, a debate with particular importance in the Great State of Florida.
E pluribus unum – out of many, one – is the challenging charge left us by our forefathers. We hope you’ll join us for what we hope will be a unique American conversation.

Sandy D’Alemberte

Anitere Flores

Len Collins

Antonio Ginatta