FF 2013
Part Civics. Part Sporting Event. Not easy.
Hometowns with a “sense of place” are vibrant, engaged, growing and economically successful. They are places people want to live and raise families. There are new reasons every day why this describes Tallahassee. So we thought it would be fun to talk about the latest on big new and unique things going on in Tallahassee… businesses, restaurants, ideas, technology and even what could be possible if we made it happen.
Doors open at 5:30 and the Moon will have a cash bar and food available for purchase. The event will start at 6:00 with an introduction followed by a series of fast-paced PechaKucha (Japanese for “chit-chat”) presentations to make sure you’re in the know about what’s trending. These presentations are 20 slides that advance automatically after 20 seconds, whether the presenter is ready or not. Zoom zoom! It’s part civics, part sporting event! Get ready for our emcee to guide you through an amped-up, fast sampling of what’s cool, new, and fun.