On Church & State
We’re beginning our Dinner at the Square season in the company of George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson for a brand new and very old conversation about our founding principles.
We’ll venture back to the birth of our nation to seek wisdom from America’s Founders on how to navigate the rough waters where faith and politics intersect today. Amid today’s raging disagreement on evolution, school prayer and “holiday” greetings (well really on almost everything), the discussion will look at both sides of the divide on faith (and we’ll avoid the typical partisan cherry picking of founders’ quotes and beliefs when we do).
Joining the discussion is Dr. David M. Abshire, former NATO Ambassador and Cabinet member under President Ronald Reagan, currently President of the Center for the Study of the Presidency in Washington, D.C. and Dr. John Corrigan, Chair of the Department of Religion at Florida State University, where he specializes in American Religious Studies and Religious Conflict. The conversation with be facilitated by Dr. Leo Sandon of Florida State University.