Cancel Culture and Minority Opinion

Cancel Culture, Minority
It wasn’t long ago when a reference to cancel culture would provoke mostly quizzical looks in anyone over 23. Now no matter your age, it’s the new normal — if your opinion doesn’t conform and the Twitter mob finds you, you’re not only exiled but life as you know it could be over. This isn’t a partisan phenomenon (although partisans would have you believe it is), rather it’s a part of a new way of doing business driven by social media and practiced in earnest from American college campuses to the halls of power in Washington, D.C. by none other than the 45th President of the United States (it’s possible they have more in common than they think). In a country that calls us to follow our conscience and express our beliefs, how has it come to this and how can mutual understanding navigate our way out of it? Moderated by Fr. Tim Holeda of St. Thomas More Co-cathedral.
Join us for a discussion with our panelists, Rabbi Jack Romberg, founding member of the God Squad and retired Rabbi of Temple Israel; Pastor Joseph Davis, Jr. of the Truth Gatherers Community Church; Reverend Trinity Whitley of Faith Presbyterian Church; and Jack Denton, former Senate President at Florida State University.

Programming during the pandemic is made possible by a recovery grant from the Knight Foundation, through the Community Foundation of North Florida and a CARES grant from Florida Humanities with the support of National Endowment for the Humanities. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Tim Holeda

Trinity Whitley

Joseph Davis, Jr

Jack Denton

Jack Romberg

Blast from the Past Archive. Because truly genius wisdom is evergreen.
Can’t get enough of that unique and timeless God Squad wisdom and transcendence? Need a refresher between programs? The vast majority of our past programs can be listened to on Village SquareCast. Click the link below and binge what your mother warned you to avoid in polite company — faith and politics. (Fair warning – you might need to order out for dinner tonight.)