“America Fourth?” (and other joyous schemes)
High time we talk about what we can find in common so we can move toward the better times we’re determined are right around the corner

America Fourth?
In this time of extreme civic disunity, when political platitudes calling for unity end 70% of op-eds, you’ve gotta wonder “united around what, exactly?” What does unity even mean when we disagree about so very much? Welp, you probably won’t be surprised we’ve got an idea or two…
Riffing along with our civic hero Dr. Danielle Allen, you have to start with basic agreements that are foundational (nonviolence as a basic norm, a supermajority for constitutional democracy, and full inclusion for all citizens).
We’re also wondering if the secret to a healthy America is to… wait for it… put “America Fourth!” Perhaps too much of our lives are now wrapped up in this life or death, us v. them struggle for us to be happy people. According to political scientist Eitan Hersh, this is making us insufferable “political hobbyists” who need to get a life? What if we can rediscover other higher loves — faith, family, art, travel, Star Wars trivia, whatever floats your particular boat. And in finding our loves again, maybe we even find each other?
We’ll be asking you to bring three things you’ll put ahead of America in the coming year.
Meet the God Squad

Josh Hall

Joseph Davis, Jr

Latricia Scriven

Paul Sidlofsky

Tim Holeda
Recommended Reading
- Will you join the supermajority for constitutional democracy? Dr. Danielle Allen, The Washington Post
- Are you a “political hobbyist”? If so, you may be the problem. Ezra Klein, Vox

Blast from the Past Archive. Because truly genius wisdom is evergreen.
Can’t get enough of that unique and timeless God Squad wisdom and transcendence? Need a refresher between programs? The vast majority of our past programs can be listened to on Village SquareCast. Click the link below and binge what your mother warned you to avoid in polite company — faith and politics. (Fair warning – you might need to order out for dinner tonight.)