Become a Business Member
Business membership has its benefits.
We exist because of businesses like you.
As a business member, you’ll get two individual Village Square memberships ($152 value) with more benefits listed below:
- Two tickets to a Dinner at the Square of your choice during the current season ($120 value)
- Special discounts at Village Square restaurants and other businesses
- Village Square bumper sticker
- Invitations for you and your guests to all pre-dinner speaker receptions hosted by Village Square Board of Directors
- Discount pricing to Dinner at the Square and special events held through the year
- Invitation for you and one guest to our annual members reception
- Members-only snail mail and email so you’re always in the the loop
Donate by mail
The Village Square PO Box 10352 Tallahassee, FL 32302
Questions or help with your subscription?
Contact donate@villagesquare.us
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